Job Description
About Programme Management & Quality Assurance (PMQ)
The Programme Management & Quality Assurance office is responsible for the setting up of a single, centralised framework, designed to ensure the implementation and delivery of key organisational projects and other change initiatives within the Authority. Programme Management is responsible to define best practice within the Authority and aims to standardize quality assurance and change management activities thus introducing economies of repetition in the execution of projects. The Programme Management team is key towards ensuring the completion of projects within budget and in the established timeframes.
The Role
Within This Role You Will Be Involved In
- Data entry, collation & inference of MI.
- Drafting of presentations related to Project Status Updates.
- Drafting of process flows.
- Updating of project documentation.
- Participation in workshops/meetings involving internal stakeholders.
- Provision of generic project support that may also include administrative tasks.
About You
You are in the process of achieving a Business & Computing qualification and are also familiar with:
- Business modelling, business process improvements techniques, data analysis, requirements definition and system design.
- The Software Development Life Cycle.
- Documentation & communication.
- The uses of IT within the financial services industry.
Other Information
The MFSA is an Equal Opportunities Employer as certified by the NCPE (National Commission for the Protection of Equality) and is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and will take care to avoid any form of discrimination in its recruitment procedures. The MFSA reserves the right to withdraw this call at any time and not to select any of the Candidates.
It is the responsibility of applicants in possession of qualifications awarded by Universities and other similar institutions outside Malta to produce a recognition statement on comparability of qualifications issued by the Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC). Applicants should do so preferably at application stage or otherwise at the preliminary interview should an applicant be selected for such interview. Details can be obtained by accessing the National Commission for Further and Higher Education website on www.ncfhe.gov.mt under MQRIC heading.
The MFSA shall ensure that any processing of personal data is in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation), the Data Protection Act (Chapter 586 of the Laws of Malta) and any other relevant European Union and national law. For further details, you may refer to the Data Protection Policy on the MFSA webpage www.mfsa.mt.
Candidates are to note that the submission of any false statement/s or omission, even if unintended, may lead to the cancellation of their application and may render the candidate's appointment liable to termination.
Furthermore, please note that candidates may be asked to submit any documentation in support of the information provided, including but not limited to, proof of qualifications and Police Conduct Certificates.
Public Call Permit:493/2023